What's New :
21st September 2023 (10 Topics)

Short News

Art and Culture (GS-I)

Paryushan Parv

This year, Paryushan Parva will begin on September 12, 2023, and will end on September 20, 2023.

About the festival:

  • Paryushana, also known as Paryushan Parva, is one of the most important religious festivals celebrated by Jains.
  • It is an important period of spiritual reflection, fasting and self-discipline for followers of Jainism.
  • The festival usually lasts eight to ten days, depending on the Jain sect and tradition, and takes place in the month of Bhadrapada (August or September in the Gregorian calendar) of the Jain calendar.

International Relations (GS-II)

UKUSA agreement

Canada’s accusation of India with respect to its role in the assassination of a Khalistani leader has received support from the Five Eyes intelligence alliance named ‘UKUSA’.


  • The Five Eyes is an intelligence alliance comprising Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom and the United States, formed in 1946.
  • The alliance is based on a series of bilateral agreements on surveillance and intelligence-sharing.
  • These arrangements are commonly known as the United Kingdom-United States Communication Intelligence Act (UKUSA) agreement.

Polity and Governance (GS-II)

'Kisan Rin Portal

Recently, the Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers’ Welfare launched ‘Kisan Rin Portal’, focusing on agri-credit and crop insurance.


  • The ‘Kisan Rin Portal’ to help farmers avail subsidised loans under the Kisan Credit Card (KCC).
  • The 'Kisan Rin Portal' is focused on agri-credit and crop insurance, with its primary purpose being to transform access to credit services provided through the Kisan Credit Card (KCC) scheme.
  • It offers a comprehensive view of farmer data, loan disbursement details, interest subvention claims, and efficient agriculture credit management.
  • The KRP is poised to transform access to credit services provided through the Kisan Credit Card (KCC) scheme.
  • It offers a comprehensive view of farmer data, loan disbursement details, interest subvention claims, and efficient agriculture credit management.


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