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29th May 2023 (6 Topics)

Shrinking snow cover continues to haunt Himachal Pradesh


According to the recent report, the total area covered by snow in Himalayan region is shrinking due to rise in average temperature.

Why is the snow cover decreasing in Himalayan region?

  • The trend of gradual reduction in snow cover in ecologically fragile Himachal Pradesh is continuing to haunt the hill State, and the mean maximum and minimum average temperature is on the rise in the Himalayan region.
  • Concern: This is an immediate concern as it could have a devastating impact on hydropower, water sources, people, livestock, forests, farms, and infrastructure.
  • In the 2022-23 winter period (October-April), there was an overall reduction of 14.05% in the total area under snow cover in Himachal Pradesh compared to 2021-22.
  • This has been revealed in the latest scientific report conducted jointly by the Himachal Pradesh’s State Centre on Climate Change (HIMCOSTE) and Geo-Sciences, Hydrology, Cryosphere Sciences, and Applications Group (GHCAG) and Space Applications Centre (SAC-ISRO).
  • Geographical feature: Himachal Pradesh receives winter precipitation in the form of snow at the higher altitudes.
    • About one-third of the total geographical area of the State remains under thick snow cover during the winter season.
  • Rivers’ discharge dependability: Most of the major rivers like Chenab, Beas, Parvati, Baspa, Spiti, Ravi, Satluj, and their perennial tributaries originating from the Himalayas, depend upon the seasonal snow cover for their discharge dependability.

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