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17th October 2023 (7 Topics)

The Indian Himalayan Region (IHR) needs its own EIA


Despite an understanding of the fragility of the IHR, there is scant acknowledgement of its need for a different set of environmental standards and clearances.

Reevaluating Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)

  • Environmental Impact of Development Models: Recent disasters like Teesta dam breach and Himachal floods underscore the need for robust Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA).
  • Evolution of EIA in India: Started in 1976-77, extended to projects needing Public Investment Board approval. 1994 EIA notification made Environmental Clearance (EC) mandatory.
  • Decentralization in 2006 and Controversial 2020 Draft: 2006 notification decentralized EC processes, granting powers to state governments. Draft 2020 version faced criticism for perceived industry bias.

Mountains in the EIA Framework

  • Unique Vulnerabilities of the Indian Himalayan Region (IHR): IHR's ecological significance, seismic activity, and climate sensitivity warrant specialized environmental assessments in EIA processes.
  • Lack of Independent National Oversight: Supreme Court's 2011 recommendation for a regulator remains unimplemented, compromising impartial project evaluation and possibly favoring proponents.
  • Inadequate Consideration of Cumulative Impacts: EIA often reacts to proposals, neglecting holistic evaluation of cumulative effects, highlighting the need for comprehensive reform.


  • EIA: Form over Substance: EIA process often becomes a superficial formality, lacking substantive evaluation, potentially diminishing its efficacy in environmental protection.
  • Special Regions Overlooked: Regions like the IHR, with unique ecological needs, are not adequately addressed, underscoring the need for tailored assessments.
  • Exploring Alternatives for Holistic Policy: Policymakers should consider tools like strategic environmental assessment for comprehensive policy-making, ensuring long-term environmental sustainability.
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