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15th June 2024 (10 Topics)

Why NEP implementation has been a failure

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The National Education Policy (NEP) 2020 has introduced significant changes in higher education, aiming to create a standardized and credit-based system to enhance mobility and employability of students. However, criticisms have emerged regarding the structure and content of the new educational framework.

Impact on Syllabi and Academic Rigor:

  • Reduction in Syllabi Coverage: NEP's credit-based system has led to truncated syllabi across disciplines, diminishing depth and critical engagement in subjects like literature and philosophy.
  • Example of Walt Whitman's Poem: Illustrates how complex literary works are now taught selectively, compromising holistic understanding and critical thinking skills.
  • Philosophical Critique: Argues against the American model of education as mere preparation for the job market, neglecting deeper cultural and intellectual pursuits.

Dilution of Core Subjects and Curriculum Overload:

  • Erosion of Core Subject Focus: Examples from St Xavier’s University, Kolkata, highlight how honours programs in economics include numerous peripheral courses, potentially diluting specialized knowledge.
  • Employability vs. Academic Depth: Questions whether a broad spectrum of courses enhances employability or detracts from core subject proficiency.
  • Relevance of Additional Courses: Challenges the necessity of non-core subjects like personality development and inter-religious studies within a specialized honours program.

Administrative Burden and Practical Challenges:

  • Examination and Assessment Burden: Critiques the heavy examination schedule of seven to eight exams per semester, coupled with continuous assessments and attendance marks.
  • Practical Examinations Controversy: Discusses impracticalities of conducting practical exams for non-core subjects, recently challenged by universities like Delhi University.
  • Stakeholder Discontent: Highlights widespread dissatisfaction among stakeholders in the university system regarding NEP 2020’s implementation and its bureaucratic complexities.
Mains Question:

Q. Critically analyze the National Education Policy (NEP) 2020 in the context of higher education reforms in India. Discuss the challenges posed by its credit-based system and the dilution of core academic content.


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