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Indian Society Answer Writing Workbook for UPSC Mains

Indian Society Answer Writing Workbook for UPSC Mains
Price: ₹370.00
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  • English
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Indian Society is an integral part of UPSC General Studies 1 preparation. Major part of the subject is of dynamic nature that requires wide and realistic understanding of the issues faced by Indian society at large. The various sections of Indian society including the marginalized and vulnerable groups like women, SCs and STs, elderly population etc need to be understood in a specific and empathetic manner. Along with this, Social empowerment, poverty and development issues form an important part of Indian society too. UPSC demands that a student must have a clear and wide understanding of such issues along with the ability to write in a crisp and lucid manner GS SCORE Indian Society workbook helps you build conceptual understanding of various dimensions of Indian society. It is designed to serve as one stop destination for UPSC mains answer writing practice.

GS SCORE Indian Society workbook consists of following features:

  • Preparation Approach.
  • Micro Detailing of UPSC syllabus.
  • 8 Practice sets and model hints to promote mains answer writing skills.
  • Previous year questions and solutions.

Workbook is designed in a manner that it helps you in coverage of syllabus and in understanding of different aspects of Indian society. The question and answer format helps you to learn how to address the demand of questions. For its maximum benefit, student must first attempt each set by himself and then compare them with model hints given. This exercise will help in answer writing practice, enrichment of answers and time management. It will serve as an important source of UPSC mains questions for practice.


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