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TOPPER SPEAKS: Krishna Chaitanya K., IRTS, 2013
TOPPER SPEAKS: Krishna Chaitanya K., IRTS, 2013
Chairman of the Interview Board: Sri Purushottam Agarwal
Marks obtained in Interview: 165
List of Questions:
1. Why did you take Pali and not chemistry or physics. ( Pali was the subject of my cousin)
2. Which news paper do u read? Name a few authors of the OpEd page?
3. What was the significant shift in India’s foreign policy in the last 10 years? One specific event? (Traditional answer of fall of soviet union and multi polar world.. followed by Indo US Nuclear Deal..Look east.. look west..) Chairman was not convinced by the answers.. he was insisting upon one specific event.. one specific event? I couldn’t give the answer.
1. what is the difference between food security and food safety? Is there any authority to ensure food safety in india? What are the provisions regarding food for women and children in the food security Bill?
2. what is PCI and it’s functions?
1. What is the average size of nano particles? Give a few examples where they are applied?
2. What was the recent issue with pharmaceuticals and patents? Important changes in the patent laws? Difference between process patent and product patent?
1. Opinion on Telangana?
2. Rank the languages in terms of number of people speaking the language?
1. You are from Guwahati, what is it’s speciality?
2. Which rivers flow in Punjab province? (Confusion regarding Punjab state of India or Punjab province of Pakistan). Should have asked for clarification regarding this question. Assumed Punjab state and gave the answer. The member gave a smile and tried to explain something. Chairman immediately told me that my interview was over.
Focus of the interview:
No specific focus. One member asked questions in technical areas as I am an engineer. Another asked from my place and another from the place of my graduation (Guwahati)
Areas of cross questioning:
Shift in foreign policy. Started off with the end of cold war era for which I was told that my answer was outdated and he needed a specific instance. I replied as nuclear deal.
Suggestions for aspirants:
Though i prepared from my side, I always looked nervous in mock interviews and the main interview also. Keep discussing fruitfully (answering the friend’s questions or topics completely) with your peer friends, so that your answering method also looks pleasant and convincing to others.
Krishna Chaitanya K., IRTS
Verifying, please be patient.