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Bookshelf : The Moment of Lift

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Published: 29th Mar, 2022

Bookshelf : The Moment of Lift

Melinda Gates has actively been involved in various types of global health and charity work around the world for the past twenty years. This book is a compilation of her experiences and what she has learned. Each chapter is focused on important global health issues such as contraception, domestic violence, child brides, workplace equality, etc. She ties in knowledge, research, stories from incredible women, and her own experiences in a lucid manner to each chapter.

Gates's basic argument in this book is that in order to lift up the world and end a host of systemic tragedies - including infant and child death, malnourishment, culturally- sanctioned abuse, and generational poverty - we must also (or perhaps first) lift up women. Through chapters focused on a range of world-wide social issues, Gates examines the problems at hand and shares stories of ways that she has watched those issues be alleviated - or at least start to get better - on smaller scales when gender equity was improved within a given geographic area.

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