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23rd September 2023 (8 Topics)

78th session of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGC)


Recently, the External Affairs Minister of India has joined a meeting held with counterparts from Brazil, Bahrain and South Africa on the sidelines of the 78th session of the United Nations General Assembly.


  • Theme:Rebuilding trust and reigniting global solidarity: Accelerating action on the 2030 Agenda and its Sustainable Development Goals towards peace, prosperity, progress and the sustainability for all.”
  • Location: New York City, United States (US)
  • The events were started on 5th September till 23rd September 2023.
  • The first day of the high-level General Debate took place on 19th September 2023.

Highlights of the event:

  • High Impact Initiative: Nature Driving Economic Transformation: This was one of twelve high impact initiatives, led by UN-system entities that showcased select programmatic offerings and initiatives to support Member States' efforts towards just development transitions and Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) achievement.
  • This event was part of the SDG Action Weekend of the SDG Summit.
  • High-level Dialogue on Financing for Development: This Dialogue is a critical moment to follow up on the implementation of the Addis Ababa Action Agenda, which was adopted in 2015 to provide a new global framework for funding sustainable development by aligning all financing flows and policies with economic, social and environmental priorities.
  • Climate Ambition Summit: The Summit aims to accelerate action by governments, business, finance, local authorities and civil society, and hear from “first movers and doers”.
  • The Summit represents a critical political milestone for demonstrating that there is collective global will to accelerate the pace and scale of a just transition to a more equitable renewable-energy based, climate-resilient global economy.
  • High-level Meeting on Universal Health Coverage: This Meeting presents an opportunity for countries and stakeholders to renew efforts and accelerate progress toward achieving health for all.
  • This will serve as the foundation for executing policies and ensuring responsibility for strengthening health systems for the future, building on the 2019 Political Declaration.
  • High-level Meeting on Tuberculosis: This Meeting is aimed to undertake a comprehensive review on the achievement of agreed tuberculosis targets 2018 Political Declaration of the first General Assembly high level meeting on TB, and to identify gaps and solutions to accelerate progress towards ending the tuberculosis epidemic by 2030.

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