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21st August 2024 (10 Topics)

A ground plan for sustainable mass employment

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The Indian government has announced a substantial ?2 lakh crore package for employment, aimed at creating opportunities for 4.1 crore youth over the next five years. This ambitious initiative aligns with recommendations from the Economic Survey, emphasizing the need for private sector job creation. The discussion around sustainable employment with dignity highlights the challenges of low wages, the effectiveness of skill programs, and the role of state intervention.

Current Challenges and Need for Decentralized Action

  • Wage Concerns: Evidence shows that a wage earner earning ?25,000 a month is among the top 10% of wage earners. This highlights the race to the bottom on wages and the inadequacy of low-paying jobs for a dignified life.
  • Skill Program Effectiveness: Short-duration skill programs often lead to low long-term employment rates, primarily due to inadequate wages. Many trained individuals return to rural areas seeking better opportunities.
  • State and Local Role: Mass employment with dignity requires increasing productivity and setting floor wage rates. State intervention is crucial for ensuring high-quality public goods and services to support sustainable employment.

Proposed Policy Initiatives

  • Community-Based Skilling: Initiatives should start with decentralized community action to identify and address local skilling needs. This involves creating employment registers and partnering with professionals to develop targeted plans.
  • Integration of Services: Converge education, health, skills, and employment initiatives at the local level, leveraging women’s collectives for accountability and effective outcomes. This approach enhances human development indicators through community-based decision-making.
  • Vocational Education: Introduce need-based vocational courses alongside undergraduate programs in colleges. This will improve employability by providing practical skills and certifications relevant to the job market.

Enhancing Skill Development and Support

  • Standardization and Infrastructure: Standardize vocational courses, particularly in nursing and allied health, to international benchmarks. Invest in upgrading ITIs and polytechnics to serve as hubs for skill development.
  • Enterprise Skills in Schools: Integrate technology and enterprise skills into high school curricula to prepare students for entrepreneurial ventures and employment. Professional visits can enhance practical understanding and skills.
  • Apprenticeship Models: Implement co-sharing models for apprenticeships with industries to ensure practical experience and shared costs. This will enhance the effectiveness and sustainability of skill development programs.
Mains Question:

Q. Discuss the key policy initiatives required to create sustainable mass employment with dignity in India. How can decentralized community action and improved vocational education contribute to this objective?


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