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12th December 2022 (7 Topics)

12th December 2022

QUIZ - 12th December 2022

5 Questions

5 Minutes

Mains Question:

How the cooperative societies have played an important role in development of modern India? Also discuss the challenges faced by cooperative societies for their smooth functioning in India?

Question Mapping

  • Subject:Indian Polity and Governance (GS-II)
  • Sub-topic:Government policies and interventions 


  • Introduction: Start with what are the cooperative societies.
  • In brief explain the relevance of Cooperative society in Indian Constitution.
  • Now in short provide how important role cooperative societies are playing in the modern Indian society with an example.
  • Also discuss the challenges associated with the cooperative societies development in India.
  • Concludewith the importance of Socio-economic development of Indian society aided by cooperative societies.



The future of India’s strategic planning and decision-making lies in smartly balancing China in southern Asia and beyond.

Significance of China in India’s Policy Decisions:

  • Concept of a principal contradiction: It is about considering ‘dynamic opposing forces’ while shaping India's future choices. China needs to be articulated with the said principle.
  • China Test: Decision-makers must view their decisions in the light of the answer to the question: “does a decision help deal with the China challenge, or not?
  • Ingredients of ‘China test’: Assessing Indian decision in the light of Chinese regional interests and if there need to modify secondary contradictions (other challenges, leaving China).

Testing policies in ‘China-Test’:

  • India-U.S. relations: The lukewarm India-U.S. strategic engagement in the region is precisely what would help Beijing’s long-term objectives. So, India must act accordingly.
  • Pacifying relations with Pakistan: Peace with Pakistan will help India to focus on the threats from China, thereby helping India in strengthening its traditional primacy in South Asia.
  • American Engagement in Pakistan: It works in India's favour as it prevents Pakistan from going into the China camp completely.
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