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13th December 2023 (8 Topics)

13th December 2023

QUIZ - 13th December 2023

5 Questions

7 Minutes



In 2007, China's GDP stood at approximately $3.6 trillion. Today, India's GDP is $3.7 trillion, marking a significant moment in Indian diplomacy under Prime Minister NarendraModi.

Indian Diplomacy's Crucial Moment

  • Shift in Global Dynamics:India's GDP parallels China's 2007 figure, marking a pivotal moment in diplomacy. Recognition and support can reshape the global order under Prime Minister Modi's leadership.
  • China's Precedent:China leveraged its economic promise post-2008, gaining significant global influence. India, with a similar GDP, faces a similar opportunity to exert influence on the world stage.
  • Demonstrating India's Potential:India-sized economy can wield substantial influence with strategic vision and diplomatic finesse. Amid global shifts, India's trajectory, focusing on a green and digital future, offers unique potential.

Harnessing Additionality for Global Impact

  • Attributes of Additionality :Additionality demands a defined system and roadmap, akin to China's proposition.India's platform economy, the growth engine of the 2020s, provides momentum for its additionality.
  • Cooperation Architecture: A new cooperation architecture should accompany India's increasing global spending.Development finance, growing faster than the economy, positions India as the bank of the Global South.
  • Outward-Focused Initiatives:Establishment of an outward-focused development finance corporation is imperative. A dedicated bank, mirroring China's model, should address global corporate needs, extending beyond trade finance.

2024: Mapping India's Global Role

  • Vision for External Engagement:Gati Shakti's domestic ambition needs a parallel external engagement strategy. Collaborating with like-minded partners, India must outline priority infrastructure, connectivity, and developmental projects globally.
  • Bold Imagery and Determined Strategy:India's global role requires a bold and determined strategy, aligning with Gati Shakti's vision.Identifying vital regions and sectors, India must articulate a comprehensive world map, symbolizing its global aspirations.
  • Inking India's Global Vision:2024 is the opportune year to finalize a world map reflecting India's envisioned global role.Strategic alignment with partners and decisive action will solidify India's presence on the world stage.
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Courts dealing with pharmaceutical and medical patents must be mindful of the conflicting interests involved and strive to establish a robust equilibrium.

Challenges in Pharmaceutical Patents

  • Clarity of Scope: There is a need for clarity in defining the boundaries of patent protection in pharmaceuticals to balance innovation and accessibility.
  • Exclusions under Section 3: There is extreme significance of Section 3 of the Patents Act, focusing on exclusions that impact patentability.
  • Judicial Gap: There are lack of bright-line rules in Indian courts regarding patent exclusions, except for the notable Novartis judgment on Section 3(d).

Recent Judicial Perspectives

  • Section 3(e) Clarification: Summarizes the Madras High Court's ruling on Section 3(e), stating that known aggregates aren't excluded from patent protection.
  • Section 3(i) Interpretation: Examines the court's view on Section 3(i), excluding certain medical processes, and the nuanced approach based on claims and specifications.
  • Evidentiary Standards: Acknowledges the court's insistence on evidence to prove composition synergies, enhancing clarity on Section 3(e).

Imperative for Clear Rules

  • R&D Challenges: Stresses high R&D costs, advocating for clear rules to ensure consistent and certain decision-making.
  • Administrative Efficiency: Argues that clear rules simplify the patent office's processes, benefiting inventors, companies, and civil society groups.
  • Balancing Interests: Recognizes the importance of balancing competing interests and suggests potential legislative adjustments in pharmaceutical patent law.
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Creating a pathway to reaching net zero by 2050 is humanity’s best shot at keeping temperatures from rising beyond 1.5C by the end of the century, say the scientific assessments by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.

COP28 Climate Deal Text: Transitioning from Fossil Fuels

  • Decisive Step Towards Net Zero by 2050: The COP28 draft text emphasizes transitioning away from fossil fuels for a just and equitable net-zero goal by 2050. Net zero by 2050 is crucial to limit temperature rise, requiring a 43% emissions cut by 2030 and 60% by 2035.
  • Global Signal to Phase Out Fossil Fuels: The draft is interpreted as a global call to "phase out" fossil fuels, signaling a shift towards renewables. The fossil-fuel industry is put on notice to adapt to new energy dynamics, according to climate experts.
  • Controversy and Diplomatic Tensions:Previous drafts faced objections, particularly from oil-dependent countries like Saudi Arabia.The term "phasing out fossil fuels" remains contentious, highlighting diplomatic challenges in global climate negotiations.

India's Coal Power and Adaptation Challenges

  • Coal Power Rhetoric Toned Down:The draft softens language on coal, changing from a call to "rapidly phase down" to "accelerating efforts towards the phase-down of unabated coal power." This adjustment reflects considerations for countries like India, heavily reliant on coal for energy.
  • Adaptation and Means of Implementation:Adaptation and support for developing nations are integral to climate talks. Criticism arises from unfulfilled promises of financial support from developed countries, hindering adaptation efforts.
  • Carbon Space and Global Net Zero:Developing countries emphasize fair carbon space distribution and financial aid. Calls for developed nations to reach net zero earlier to create carbon space for developing nations.

Challenges and Divisions in COP28 Negotiations

  • Diplomatic Tensions Over Draft Language: Ongoing debates on specific terms, like "phasing out," showcase diplomatic divisions. COP28 President's decision on the final draft language awaits consensus or objections from participating nations.
  • Financial Gaps and Broken Promises:Developing nations face challenges due to unmet financial promises from developed countries. The gap between pledged financial aid and actual disbursement remains a point of contention.
  • Global Efforts on Adaptation and Mitigation:Global attention on mitigation efforts needs parallel emphasis on robust adaptation strategies. Calls for developed nations to take more significant actions earlier to address climate change challenges.
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