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26th October 2022 (8 Topics)

26th October 2022

QUIZ - 26th October 2022

5 Questions

5 Minutes

Mains Question:

Question: China’s maritime expansion is threateningly and has adversely affected the interest of major countries in the region. Explain (150 words)

Question Mapping

  • Subject: International Relations (GS-II)
    • Sub-Topic: Bilateral Relations, Effect of Policies and Politics of Developed and Developing Countries on India’s interests


  • Introduction- brief about china’s current maritime policy (maritime territorialisation)
  • China’s substantial claims
    • South China sea
    • East China sea
    • other areas of the Indo-Pacific based on its nine-dash Line
  • Discuss how it affects the interests of many South East Asian countries
  • Measures to counter the expansionist agenda
    • US’s Indo-Pacific Strategy
    • QUAD (India, Japan, Australia and USA)
    • AUKUS (Australia, UK and US)IPEF
  • Required intervention 
  • Sum up your answer with a way forward



With the recent increase in the number of instances, the Supreme Court has referred to the growing “climate of hate”, and taken note of the ‘inaction’ in most instances, despite the law containing provisions to deal with the phenomenon.

Need for Supreme Court’s intervention:

  • Maintaining Law and Order: SC’s intervention has become necessary in the light of some controversial leaders getting away lightly after making unacceptable comments, some of them tinged with a genocidal tenor. 
  • To rectify the government’s actions: It is quite apparent that the government does not share the Court’s concern for communal harmony, fraternity, and tranquillity. Few States may be contributing to the vitiated atmosphere either by studied inaction or complicity.
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