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4th October 2022 (6 Topics)

4th October 2022

QUIZ - 4th October 2022

5 Questions

5 Minutes

Mains Question:

Question: “Desertification and land degradation are a complex challenge with long term social, economic and environmental implications”. In the light of this statement, discuss the effectiveness of government’s recent plan to bring in convergence between the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (MGNREGS) and the Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchai Yojana (PMKSY) in reversing desertification. (150 words)


  • Introduction- define desertification and its occurrence in India
    • atleast 30% of India’s total geographical area is “degraded land”
  • Brief about government plan
    • Integration of both material and wage components of the two schemes
    • Planned activities: ridge area treatment, drainage line treatment, soil and moisture conservation, rainwater harvesting, nursery raising, afforestation, horticulture and pasture development
  • Discuss the effectiveness
    • Increase in Social Capital and Physical Capital
    • Facilitation of Ecological Synergies
    • Mitigating Effects of Climate Change
    • Enhancing Economic Opportunities
    • Strengthening Democratic Processes
    • Facilitating Sustainable Development
  • Persistent challenges
    • constraints posed on the economy by the pandemic
    • Increasing climate change
  • Sum up your answer by suggesting other measures



In a landmark Judgment, the Supreme Court recently put decision on abortion rights for all adult women in India to have the right to seek a safe abortion through a medical expert till up to 24 weeks of pregnancy.

Core areas addressed in the Judgements:

There are five key aspects of this judgment that need to be shared:

  • Acknowledging the context of criminality: IPC criminalises accessing and providing an abortion except where there is an immediate necessity to save the life of the pregnant woman, and that the MTP Act is an exception to this criminal offence.
  • Removal of ‘compulsory’ marital status: The judgment basically holds that what is accessible and available for a married pregnant woman should be accessible and available to any pregnant woman, and that a classification based on marital status is fallacious and illegal.
  • Inclusive of the concept of Marital Rape: An acknowledgement has put that a pregnancy can be sought to be terminated on the ground of it being as a result of rape by the
  • Confidentiality: This judgment clarifies that while the need to report mandatorily remains, the identity of the pregnant person need not be disclosed in the cases of consensual sexual activity and where the minor and/or her guardian request the medical service provider to maintain confidentiality.
  • Relief to Medical Practitioners: It recognises the extra-legal requirements that medical practitioners insist upon before providing MTP services, only to safeguard themselves due to the context of criminality and the present law is non-inclusive and the terminology used is exclusionary. 
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