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20th March 2023 (8 Topics)

Generative artificial intelligence (GAI)


Generative artificial intelligence and its uses for Enterprises is transforming the way it operates by analysing vast amounts of data and generating new ideas.

  • It has the potential to change the way businesses interact with customers, create products, and make decisions.


What is generative AI?

  • Like other forms of artificial intelligence, generative AI learns how to take actions from past data.
  • It creates new content – a text, an image, even computer code – based on that training, instead of simply categorizing or identifying data like other AI.
  • The rise of GAI can be attributed to the development of advanced generative models, such as Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) and Variational Autoencoders (VAEs).


  • Healthcare: By generating new medical images and simulations, improving the accuracy and efficiency of medical diagnoses and treatments.
  • Music: GAI can help musicians to explore the new sounds and styles, leading to more diverse and interesting music.
    • Example, Amper Music- creates musical tracks from pre-recorded samples.
  • Art and Creativity: It can be used to generate new works of art that are unique. This is helping artists and creatives explore new ideas and push the boundaries of traditional art forms.
    • Example, DALL·E2- This AI model from OpenAI generates new images from text descriptions.

Concerns Related to GAI?

  • Accuracy: ensuring that theoutputs generated by GAI are of high quality and accurate is major concern.
  • Privacy: There is a risk that this data could be used for unethical purposes, such as for targeted advertising or for political manipulation.
  • Joblessness: GAI can promote the joblessness as it has potential to replace the humans.

Way Forward:

  • Regulation: Regulations and standardsmust be put in place to ensure that GAI is used in a responsible and ethical manner. 
  • Collaborationbetween stakeholders, including industry, government, academia, and civil society, is crucial to ensure that GAI is used in a responsible and ethical manner.

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