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9th July 2022 (7 Topics)

Government revives poetry banned during British rule


The Government has now planned to revive a section of the body of literature to mark the 75th year of Independence, as those were banned by the Britishers before Independence to secure their rule in India.


  • Art and literature played an important role in India’s freedom struggle.
  • Both art and literature acted as a tool in India’s freedom struggle against colonialism.
  • As part of the freedom movement, many indigenous industries and enterprises were set up.
  • Indian art and literature flourished, and soon became a source of national pride. For example, Abanindranath Tagore through his paintings helped raise the consciousness of many.
  • Through various journals, newspapers like Harijan freedom fighters like Gandhiji, Rabindranath Tagore raised important issues on the national platform.


  • The Ministry of Culture, the nodal ministry for the 75-week-long Amrit Mahotsav celebrations, has identified poems, writings and publications that the British Raj banned and put them together as
  • They have been published on the website by the National Archives of India.
  • These works are in nine regional languages — Bengali, Gujarati, Hindi, Marathi, Kannada, Odiya, Punjabi, Sindhi, Telugu, Tamil and Urdu.
  • A section of the Amrit Mahotsav website, called ‘Swatantra Swar’, showcases some of these poems written before 1947.
  • These are mostly revolutionary pieces penned during India’s struggle for Independence and were considered “dangerous” to the “security” of the British rule in India.

‘Amrit Mahotsav’- 75 years of Independence Celebration

  • Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav is a Government of India initiative to honour and celebrate 75 years of advanced India and the magnificent history of its culture, people, and accomplishments.
  • On 12th March 2021, Indian Prime Minister launched ‘Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav.’
  • The event happened in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, and the Mahotsav is getting launched from cities that were prominent hubs of India’s freedom battle.
  • It included Sabarmati Ashram, Jallianwala Bagh in Punjab, Cellular Jail in Andaman and Nicobar Islands, etc. ‘Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav’ started with the Prime Minister flagging off Dandi March from Sabarmati Ashram.
  • In the 66 weeks of Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav, more than 47,000 programmes have been organised — from commemorating unsung heroes of freedom struggle to documenting local history from spotlighting states and their contribution to the freedom struggle to poetry based on banned literature.


Some literatures written during struggle

  • Poem named Rashtriya Pataka from the book “Azaadi ki Bansuri”.
  • Poem “Bharatha Matha Geetham” written by Vaddadhi Seetharaamanjaneyulu and Pudipeddhi Kashi Viswanatha Sashtri.
  • Daridra Nian- Odia poet Gangadhar Mishra, and
  • Kasumbi No Rang- a Gujrati poem from the book Sindhudo by poet Jhaverchand Meghani.sn

Role of Ministry of Culture

  • Ministry of Culture is the ministry under the Government of India which is tasked with the preservation and promotion of art and culture of India.
  • India has a rich and diverse cultural heritage has formed this ministry to preserve, promote as well as disseminate all forms of art and culture across the nation.
  • Prahlad Singh Patel is at present the Minister of Culture.

Role of art and literature in India’s freedom struggle

  • Evoking emotions
  • Raising nationalist sentiments
  • Overcoming linguistic barriers
  • Spreading awareness
  • Encouraging Women participation
  • Revival of cultural identities
  • Spread patriotic feelings

Thus, art and literature played an immense role in India’s freedom struggle. It gave birth to many nationalist artists who tried to influence public psyche through their work. It not only led to a silent criticism of colonial atrocities but also acted as a force to unite mass against colonial forces.

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