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10th March 2022 (6 Topics)

ICG launches Urja Prabha


Recently, the Indian Coast Guard (ICG) launched auxiliary barge Urja Prabha


About Urja Prabha:

  • Urja Prabha is launched at Shoft Shipyard, Bharuch, Gujarat.
  • Urja Prabha is 36.96 metres long with a draft of 1.85 metres.
  • It is designed to cargo ship fuel, aviation fuel and fresh water with a capacity of 50 ton, 10 ton and 40 ton respectively.
  • It will enhance the Indian Coast Guard operations by extending logistics support to Indian Coast Guard ships deployed in the sea at far-flung areas.

About Indian Coast Guard (ICG):

  • The 'Nag Committee' was setup in 1970, to examine the growing menace of smuggling. The committee recommended the need for a separate marine force to deal with smuggling activities.
  • In 1972, the United Nations Convention on the Laws of the Sea (UNCLOS) awarded Exclusive Economic Zones (EEZ) to all coastal states.
    • Thereafter, the Union of India, enacted the Maritime Zones of India Act 1976, to claim sovereign rights over the vast sea area of the Exclusive Economic Zone.
    • In one stroke, India acquired 2.01 million sq kms of ocean for extensive exploitation of all living and non-living resources, and this vast area clearly needed to be policed.
  • Later ICG, was established in 1978 by the Coast Guard Act, 1978. It performs non-military functions.
  • It operates under the Ministry of Defence.
  • Headquarter of the Indian Coast Guard is in New Delhi.
  • It has jurisdiction over the territorial waters of India including contiguous zone and exclusive economic zone.
  • Mission:
    • To protect our ocean and offshore wealth including oil, fish and minerals.
    • To assist mariners in distress and safeguard life and property at sea.
    • To enforce maritime laws with respect to sea, poaching, smuggling and narcotics.
    • To preserve marine environment and ecology and protect rare species.
    • To collect scientific data and back-up the navy during war.

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