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4th October 2024 (17 Topics)

Leopard Population in Odisha


In Odisha, concerns over poaching and illegal wildlife trade have raised alarms about the declining leopard population. However, recent developments indicate a positive trend in their numbers, providing hope for conservation efforts.

Key Highlights

  • Population Increase: The leopard population in Odisha has increased by 22%, rising from 568 in 2022 to 696 in 2024.
  • Current Estimates: The All Odisha Leopard Estimation 2024 reports a population range of 668 to 724, with a median count of 696
  • Comparison with Previous Census: The current population still lags behind the 2018 census conducted by the National Tiger Conservation Authority (NTCA), which recorded 760 leopards.
  • Monitoring Methodology: The estimation involved monitoring 47 forest divisions and utilizing camera traps to identify individual leopards based on their unique rosette patterns.
  • Significant Findings: The report highlighted the discovery of melanistic leopards (black leopards) in Odisha's forests, adding to the diversity of the leopard population.
  • Poaching Concerns: Despite the increase in numbers, poaching remains a significant threat. Between 2018 and 2023, 59 leopard skins were seized from wildlife smugglers, and overall, 116 leopards were killed.
  • Protected Areas: The highest leopard abundance is found in protected areas, notably the Similipal Tiger Reserve, which is crucial for the leopard population's sustainability. Other key habitats include the Satkosia landscape and the Hirakud Wildlife Division.
  • Future Plans: The Forest department plans to synchronize the All Odisha Leopard Estimation with the annual All Odisha Tiger Estimation, expanding data collection on both big cats and their habitats.

Fact Box: About Leopard

  • Leopard (Pathera pardus) is one of the five big cat species of the genus Panthera.
  • They are the smallest of the large cats, which includes lions, tigers, and jaguars.
  • Habitat: Forests, subtropical and tropical regions, savannas, grasslands, deserts, and rocky and mountainous regions.
    • They can live in both warm and cold climates.
    • Of all the big cat species, leopards are the only known species that live in both desert and rainforest habitats.
  • Geography: Their range covers a large stretch of Africa, parts of the Middle East, and Asia, including China, India, and eastern Russia.
    • Madhya Pradesh has the maximum number of leopards in the country

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