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Coral Triangle Day

Published: 15th Jun, 2020

The Coral Triangle Day is held on June 9 every year. It is a massive celebration of the Coral Triangle.

  • The Coral Triangle Day is held on June 9 every year. It is a massive celebration of the Coral Triangle.
  • The first Coral Triangle Day was celebrated on June 9, 2012.

What is Coral Triangle?

  • The Coral Triangle, the world's epicentre of marine diversity, is one of the 3 mega ecological complexes on our planet, together with the Congo Basin and the Amazon Rainforest.
  • It is a vast ocean expanse that geographically spreads across 6 countries in Asia and the Pacific: Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, and Timor Leste (the "CT6" countries).
    • It occupies just 1.5% of the world's total ocean area, but represents 30% of the world's coral reefs.
    • It has the highest coral diversity in the world - 76% of the world’s coral species are found here. Fifteen of are endemic to the region, which means they aren’t found anywhere else.
    • It is also home to the highest diversity of coral reef fishes in the world. Thirty-seven percent of the world’s coral reef fish species, and 56% of the coral reef fishes in the Indo-Pacific region live here.

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