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Heritage tag for two irrigation facilities in Telangana

Published: 24th Sep, 2018

Telangana government’s nomination of two irrigation structures- Sadarmattanicut (across Godavari) and PeddaCheruvu- has being included by International Commission on Irrigation and Drainage (ICID) in its Register of Heritage Irrigation Structures


Telangana government’s nomination of two irrigation structures- Sadarmattanicut (across Godavari) and PeddaCheruvu- has being included by International Commission on Irrigation and Drainage (ICID) in its Register of Heritage Irrigation Structures.


Sadarmattanicut:The facility was constructed during 1891-92 by NawabIkbal-ud-Dowlaabout 50 km downstream of the Sri Ram Sagar Project (SRSP) and is chiefly fed by Sawrnavagu stream. It is a source of water for paddy crops in present day Khanapur and Kademmandals. It is also popular as  picnic spot around the area.

PeddaCheruvu:The PeddaCheruvu (known as big tank in Telugu) was built in 1897 during the rule of Mir Mahaboob Ali Khan, the sixth Nizam of Hyderabad State. It is currently developed as a mini tank bund under Mission Kakatiya. It holds importance to the area asit provides drinking water to the residents nearby and is planned to be developed as a tourist destination by the state government.

International Commission on Irrigation and Drainage (ICID)

  • The ICID is a technical and voluntary not-for-profit international NGO dedicated to enhance the world-wide supply of food and fibre for all people. It aims to do so by improving water and land management, and productivity of irrigated and drained lands.
  • It is headquartered in New Delhi.
  • International Executive Council is its highest decision making body.
  • ICID has been involved in the global discussions leading to Agenda 21, World Water Vision, World Water Forums and more, which has become the focal point of several of its technical activities.

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