India's first Mobile Virology Diagnostics and Research Laboratory inaugurated in Hyderabad
Published: 27th Apr, 2020
Unique and first of its kind facility in the country, a Mobile Virology Diagnostics and Research Laboratory has been inaugurated in Hyderabad at the ESI medical college.
Unique and first of its kind facility in the country, a Mobile Virology Diagnostics and Research Laboratory has been inaugurated in Hyderabad at the ESI medical college.
It has been developed by Defence Research and Development Organization- DRDO in association with ESIC Hospital, Hyderabad and Private industry.
The Bio safety level-3 laboratory can test thousand samples for Corona virus daily and can scale up to 2000 in future. The laboratory also has a facility to trial drugs and conduct research on Corona virus.
The laboratory has been developed in less than two weeks. The laboratory can expand its operations in future and can be moved easily to anywhere in the country.
The Mobile Viral Research Lab is the combination of a BSL 3 lab and a BSL 2 lab essential to carry out the activities. The labs are built as per WHO and ICMR Bio-safety standards to meet international guidelines.