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Konda ReddiTribe

Published: 13th Oct, 2022


Dried bamboo shoots form an essential part of the dietary chart to the member of Konda Reddi. It is because of the belief of them being highly nutritious.


About Konda Tribe:
  • It is one of the most backward tribal groupsin the states of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana.
  • They inhabit on both the banks of the Godavari River (East and West Godavari districts), in the hilly-forest region of Khammam (Telangana) and Srikakulam (Andhra Pradesh).
  • They live in the interior forest areas largely cut off from the mainstream.
  • Traditionally, they were shifting cultivators,and recently, some of them have adopted settled agriculture and horticulture.
  • Their mother tongue is Telugu with a unique accent.
  • Konda Reddis has also been recognized as a Primitive Tribal Group (now Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Group).
  • The Konda Reddis are known for their eco-friendly practicessuch as the use of household articles made of bamboo, bottle gourd, and seed.


  • The tribal people inhabiting the forest are entitled to collect every form of bamboo tree, which is classified as Minor Forest Produce (MFP).
  • They have the right to exploit its commercial value for their livelihood.
  • As per their practice, they hang the garlands of bamboo shoots on the roofs of their dwellings and dry them for a week.
  • After about a week, when the shoots are fully dried, the families store them for consumption till the next monsoon. 

Minor Forest Produce (MFP): MFP includes all non-timber forest produce of plant origin and includes bamboo, canes, fodder, leaves, gums, waxes, dyes, resins, and many forms of food including nuts, wild fruits, honey, lac, tusser, etc.

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