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Ladakh launches E- vehicle plan

Published: 25th Aug, 2022


The Union Territory of Ladakh has come up with an electric vehicle policy, “Ladakh’s Electric Vehicle and Allied Infrastructure Policy 2022”.



  • The policy aims to transform Ladakh into a torchbearer in terms of the adoption of electric vehicles in the country and envisions encouraging and cultivating an EV ecosystem in the Union Territory. 
  • With this, the administration will encourage the citizens to procure and use e-vehicles to create a carbon-neutral future for the UT.
  • The policy entails a capital subsidy of 10 per cent on two-wheelers, three-wheelers and four-wheelers.
  • Public buses will be given a capital subsidy of 25 per cent under the policy.

Electric Vehicles

  • An EV is a vehicle that operates on an electric motor, instead of an internal-combustion engine that generates power by burning a mix of fuel and gases.
  • Benefits
    • Seen as a possible replacement for current-generation automobiles, in order to address the issues of rising pollution, global warming, depleting natural resources, etc.
    • Even though the concept of EVs has been around for a long time, it gained momentum amid the concern of rising carbon footprint and other environmental impacts of fuel-based vehicles.

Indian Policies on EVs

  • In 2010, the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE),announced a financial incentive for manufacturers for EVs sold in India.
  • In 2013, India unveiled the National Electric Mobility Mission Plan (NEMMP) 2020.
    • It aimed to make amajor shift to EVs and to address the issues of national energy security, vehicular pollution, and the growth of domestic manufacturing capabilities.
    • It offered subsidies and created a supporting infrastructure for e-vehicles but the plan has not been implemented.
  • In the Union Budget 2015-16, the ‘Faster Adoption and Manufacturing of EVs’ (FAME) scheme was announced, with an initial outlay of Rs. 75 crore.
  • In 2017, the Transport Ministryhighlighted its intent to move to 100 percent electric cars by 2030.
  • In February 2019, the Union Cabinet cleared an  10,000-crore programmeunder the FAME-II scheme.

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