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Launch of Artificial Intelligence-powered grievance management application

Published: 26th Jul, 2021

An Artificial Intelligence (AI)-powered grievance management application, developed by the Ministry of Defence with the help of IIT-Kanpur is launched.


An Artificial Intelligence (AI)-powered grievance management application, developed by the Ministry of Defence with the help of IIT-Kanpur is launched.


About the AI based grievance Application

  • This is the first AI-based system developed to improve grievance redressal in the Government.
  • The AI tool developed as part of the initiative can understand the content of the complaint based on the contents therein. As a result, it can identify repeat complaints or spam automatically.
  • Categorization of complaint: Based on the meaning of the complaint, it can categorize complaints of different categories even when keywords normally used for such search are not present in the complaint.
  • Geographical analysis of complaints: It enables geographical analysis of complaints in a category including analysis of whether the complaint was adequately addressed or not by the concerned office.
  • User-friendly: Easy user-friendly search enables the user to formulate his queries/categories depending on management requirements and seek performance results based on the query.

Significance of the application

  • The release of this application marks the introduction of AI-based innovationsinto governance and administration.
  • This project is the first of its kind initiative of the Government for using AI, data science, and Machine Learning techniques in grievance redressal.
  • The success of this project in MoD will pave the way for the extension of this application across other Ministries.
CPGRAMS portal 
  • CPGRAMS is an online web-enabled system over NICNET.
  • Developed by: It is developed by National Informatics Centre (NIC), in association with the Directorate of Public Grievances (DPG) and Department of Administrative Reforms and Public Grievances (DARPG).
  • The platform is based on web technology which primarily aims to enable submission of grievances by the aggrieved citizens from anywhere and anytime (24x7) basis to Ministries/Departments/Organisations who scrutinize and take action for speedy and favorable redress of these grievances.
  • Tracking grievances is also facilitated on this portal through the system-generated unique registration number.

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