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Swachh Survekshan Awards 2023

Published: 11th Jan, 2024


Hyderabad is selected as  a five-star rating city in  an open garbage free city category  in SwachhSurvekshan and Water Plus recertification for 2023.


About the SwachhSurvekshan Awards  2023

SwachhSurvekshanAwards  2023, A flagship initiative by the Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs (MoHUA) in 2016.

A competitive framework:   It has evolved into the world's largest urban sanitation survey.

The primary aim :  Primarily it is focused on large scale citizen participation and create awareness amongst all sections of society, it is governed through the theSwachh Bharat Mission (Urban).

Important Themes/Indicator  : Phased reduction of plastic, effective processing of plastic waste, promotion of waste-to-wonder parks, and the organization of zero-waste events,

Waste Management :It includes  source segregation of waste, increasing cities' waste processing capacity to match generation, and reducing waste sent to dumpsites.

The ranking of wards within cities is now integral to the survey. Furthermore, the assessment will consider specific indicators related to issues like 'Open Urination' (Yellow Spots) and 'Open Spitting' (Red Spots) faced by cities.

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