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Tactical Weapons

Published: 11th May, 2024


Russia’s Defence Ministry announced that it would be holding drills involving tactical nuclear weapons.

About Tactical Weapons

  • Tactical nuclear weapons, intended for use against troops on the battlefield, are less potent and can have a yield as little as approximately 1 kiloton, in contrast to nuclear-tipped intercontinental ballistic missiles, which are capable of destroying entire cities.
  • During World War II, the U.S. bomb dropped on Hiroshima was 15 kilotons.
  • These nuclear weapons for use in combat, such as artillery ammunition, aerial bombs, and warheads for short-range missiles, can be quite small. They can be discreetly taken on a vehicle or airplane due to their modest size.
  • A range of missiles, torpedoes, and gravity bombs from land, air, or naval forces can deliver these weapons. They could even be driven into a location and set off by itself.
  • Tactical weapons have never been restricted by any arms control agreements between Moscow and Washington, unlike strategic weapons, which have been the subject of such accords; Russia hasn't disclosed their quantity or any other relevant information.


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