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16th April 2022 (7 Topics)

Take two

The dual degree academic programme, a work­ in progress, and the subject of much litigation for years, has finally been given legal sanctity by the University Grants Commission.

Key Highlights of guidelines

  • Two academic programmes- The higher education regulatory body’s notified guidelines will enable students to simultaneously pursue two academic programmes at multiple levels except for PhD courses.
  • Extension of the National Education Policy 2020 - It has projected it as a logical extension of the National Education Policy 2020, with its emphasis on facilitating multiple pathways to learning using formal and non-formal modes.
  • Three way choice -The UGC has proposed a three way choice involving a combination of offline only; offline with distance mode; and distance/online only modes for dual programmes.


  • Cornering of seats- The UGC has said a student can also pursue two full­time programmes in physical mode. This is problematic as it might prompt students, who are academically proficient or with the economic wherewithal, to corner seats in two in­demand courses.
  • Logistics and Administrative problems- The UGC’s Furqan Qamar Committee, which a decade ago recommended dual programmes with a second degree in open/distance mode, had ruled out offering simultaneous degree courses under regular mode “as it may create logistic, administrative and academic problems”
  • Lack of Infrastructure- In the All India Survey on Higher Education Report 2019­20, the national average college density stands at 30.
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