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27th April 2022 (7 Topics)

Tea mosquito bug destroys Cashew crop


Tea mosquito bugs have attacked acres of cashew crops in Odisha.


Tea Mosquito Bug:

  • Scientific Name: Helopeltis antonii
  • Tea mosquito bug is a major pest of cashew causing severe damage in several parts of the world.
  • Among the four species attacking cashew, H. antonii is the dominant species.
  • The pest has got potential to cause as high as cent per cent loss in yield.
  • Season of occurrence:
    • In general, TMB activity is very less during monsoon period (June- September) and the pest build up commences during October- November synchronizing with the emergence of new flushes after the cessation of monsoon rains.
    • The population reaches a peak during December-January, when the trees are in full bloom while, the pest activity is seen till May unitl harvest.
    • But, the pest incidence may be noticed throughout the year in young plantations.


  • Undertake pruning to regulate the shade to facilitate proper penetration of sunlight inside the canopy.
  • Spray the following insecticides, thoroughly covering foliage and bark during early morning hours.
    • Monocrotophos at new flush formation.
    • Spray endosulfan or carbaryl in 1500-2000 L of water per ha and Urea 3% at flower initiation and again at fruiting time
  • Do not interplant cashew with crops that are host for Helopeltis bugs, such as cotton, tea, sweet potato, guava and mango.

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