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6th December 2023 (9 Topics)

The Ambedkar touch in rethinking social justice policies


The leaders of the market economy should be educated to adopt welfarist measures for the worst-off social groups, in turn making them integral to economic development.

Historical Background:

  • Current Demand: Modern democracy aims at social harmony and dignity for all.
  • Post-colonial idea: Ambedkar's ideals envisioned Dalits and Adivasis as equal stakeholders’ post-colonial India.
  • Timeline for development: Neo-liberal development, however, has derailed traditional support for marginalized communities.

Current Challenges:

  • Elitism approach: Social elites dominate, holding authoritative positions.
  • Lack of authority:Despite claims of social justice policies, marginalized groups have a tokenistic presence in power and privileges.
  • Addressing problems for marginalized: Ambedkar's principles demand a more responsible market and effective social justice policies for Dalits and Adivasis.

Reviving Ambedkar's Social Justice:

  • Neo-liberal economy lacks ethical values, distancing from social responsibilities.
  • Reforms needed to integrate Dalits and Adivasis into the new economic order.
  • Way forward:Social justice policies should democratize working classes, reduce poverty, and elevate marginalized groups' stature in capitalism.
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