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International Relations Notes for UPSC Mains

International Relations Notes for UPSC Mains
Price: ₹320.00
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  • English
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The following volume of International Relations has complete and holistic coverage with analytical insights on India’s Foreign Policy and important contemporary global issues. They cover the background, development and the present relations with all major powers in the world. It also analyses India’s position in the global power balance and provide a comprehensive solution to the IAS aspirants to understand the global power politics and score well in the GS Paper II, Essay and the Optional Papers too.

The UPSC Mains International Relations book contain following topics:

  1. Evolution & Key Principles of Indian Foreign Policy
  2. India & Neighbours – 1
  3. India & Neighbours – 2
  4. India & Neighbours – 3
  5. India & Neighbours – 4
  6. India & Neighbours – 5
  7. Bilateral Relations -1
  8. Bilateral Relations – 2
  9. Bilateral Relations – 3
  10. Bilateral Relations – 4
  11. Bilateral Relations – 5
  12. Multilateral/Group Relations-1
  13. Multilateral/Group Relations-2
  14. Multilateral/Group Relations-3
  15. Multilateral/Group Relations-4
  16. Multilateral/Group Relations-5
  17. Indian Diaspora
  18. Global Institutions /Platforms – 1
  19. Global Institutions /Platforms – 2
  20. Global Institutions /Platforms – 3
  21. Important Terms

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