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Modern History Notes for UPSC Prelims

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If we see the syllabus of history for Civil services Examination, Modern History plays a significant role in both Prelims and Mains Examination. This used to be comparatively easy area to score marks in prelims but in the last few years we can see that UPSC is getting very specific in asking questions from this section. Trends analysis of last 10-year Prelims Question Papers shows that every year around 8-15 questions have been asked in UPSC Prelims examination. For this purpose, the present book has been written to deal with the entire syllabus in a chronological order so that one can connect the events. We have also assimilated Previous Year Questions in the book in order to keep the preparation as per the UPSC framework.

The book has been written with the point of view of comprehensive coverage of the entire syllabus of Modern History. One of the distinguishing characteristics of the book is that it covers a wide canvas of Modern History and the text has been written in a lucid, cogent, and convincing style, documented with interesting data, diagrams, and illustrations with apt and appropriate examples.

The Modern History Study Material includes in detail about the topics related to:

  1. Advent of Europeans
  2. Approach of East India Company in India
  3. Second Phase of British Expansion in India
  4. Administration before 1857
  5. Economic Policies of the British
  6. Socio-Religious Reforms
  7. Peasant & Tribal Movements
  8. The Revolt of 1857
  9. Introduction & Evolution of English Education
  10. Press Under British Rule
  11. Evolution & Growth of Nationalism
  12. Indian National Congress
  13. Revolutionary Nationalism
  14. Indian National Movement – I (1905-1918)
  15. Indian National Movement – II (1918-1929)
  16. Indian National Movement – III (1930-1947)
  17. Constitutional Development in India
  18. Governor Generals During British India
  19. Personalities
  20. Miscellaneous

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