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14th June 2024 (11 Topics)

2024 Environment Performance Index (EPI)


India's environmental performance has come under scrutiny with its ranking among the lowest in air quality, projected emissions, and biodiversity preservation in the 2024 Environment Performance Index (EPI).

Key Findings:

  • The number one country in the index is Estonia, which decreased its greenhouse gas emissions by 59% compared to 1990 levels.
    • The Global West and Eastern Europe emerge as top-performing regions in the EPI, reflecting their strong environmental conservation efforts.
    • Conversely, Sub-Saharan Africa and Southern Asia rank at the bottom among the eight regions assessed, underscoring the pressing need for enhanced sustainability measures in these areas.
  • India ranked 176th among 180 countries, above Pakistan, Vietnam, Laos, and Myanmar only, in the overall index.
    • However, it remains one of the lowest performers, especially in air quality, emissions, and biodiversity preservation.
  • India’s performance lags in several indicators mainly because of its heavy dependence on coal, which contributes to not only greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions but also high air pollution levels.
  • Air quality: In air quality, India ranks 177th, above Pakistan, Bangladesh and Nepal only
  • In projected emissions by 2025, India ranks 172nd.
  • Transboundary Pollution in South Asia: South Asia ranks lowest on the EPI, with India identified as the largest emitter of transboundary pollution in the region.
    • The impact of Indian pollution extends to neighboring Bangladesh, affecting the well-being of its residents.
  • Climate Change Performance: Despite its overall low ranking, India secures a relatively better position (133) in the climate change category.
  • This improvement is attributed to India's investments in renewable energy and its commitment to achieving net-zero emissions by 2070.
  • India will require an additional USD 160 billion per year in climate change mitigation investments to achieve its goals.
    • Categories enhanced India’s performance: solid waste management, forests, and agriculture
    • Categories downgraded India’s performance: air quality, emissions, and biodiversity categories

Fact Box: About Environment Performance Index (EPI)

  • Released by: the Yale Center for Environmental Law and Policy and the Columbia Center for International Earth Science Information Network
  • The EPI is released once every two years
  • Objective: to assess the performance of countries in achieving the targets of the UN Sustainable Development Goals, Paris Agreement 2015, and most recently, the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework 2022 — key climate change mitigation measures globally.
  • The 2024 EPI has 58 indicators, including biodiversity, air pollution, air and water quality, waste management, emission growth rates, projected emissions, etc., under the three main heads of ecosystem vitality, environmental health and climate change.

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