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14th June 2024 (11 Topics)

Atlantic bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus)


The Atlantic bluefin tuna, one of the most overfished fish species globally, now faces a new threat: warming seas. Marine heatwaves are causing bluefins to migrate to the north, according to a new study.


  • Order: Scombriformes
  • Family: Scombridae
  • It is one of three bluefin tuna species, together with Pacific bluefin and Southern Bluefin.
  • Atlantic bluefin tuna are the largest tuna species.
  • The Atlantic bluefin tolerates a wide range of temperatures. It lives in subtropical and temperate waters of the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean and Black seas, although sightings in the Black Sea are now rare
  • Bluefin Tuna are known to be highly migratory, with individuals making long migrations every year.

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