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14th June 2024 (11 Topics)

Central Council of Ministers

President Draupadi Murmu administered oaths to the Central Council of Ministers of the new government.

What is the Central Council of Ministers?

  • Led by: Prime Minister
  • The Central Council of Ministers plays a vital role in government policy-making. In India's Parliamentary system, it serves as the real executive authority.
  • Constitutional Mandate: According to Article 74 of the Indian Constitution, the President of India, as the head of the Executive, must act on the aid and advice of the COM.
    • This article establishes the Council of Ministers with the Prime Minister at its head to aid and advise the President in exercising their functions.
  • Appointment Process: Article 75 outlines the process of appointing ministers. The President appoints the Prime Minister, who then recommends other ministers. The size of the council should not exceed 15% of the Lok Sabha's strength.
  • Participation in Proceedings: Article 88 empowers ministers to participate in proceedings of both the Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha, as well as any joint session or parliamentary committee they are part of. However, it does not grant them the right to vote.

Who are the Cabinet Ministers?

  • Cabinet ministers are the senior-most members of the Central Council of Ministers, second only to the Prime Minister.
  • They oversee critical ministries such as Home Affairs, Finance, and Defence, with the authority to organize meetings and make important policy decisions.

Who are the Ministers of State (Independent Charge)?

  • Ministers of State (Independent Charge) are junior members of the Central Council of Ministers.
  • They administer their respective ministries independently, without oversight from cabinet ministers or other members of the government.
Who are the Ministers of State?
  • Ministers of State assist cabinet ministers in their duties.
  • They are responsible for specific functions delegated to them by their superiors, typically cabinet ministers.
  • Ministries like Home, External Affairs, Health, and Education may have multiple Ministers of State working alongside the cabinet minister.

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