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26th June 2024 (15 Topics)

A Sneak Peek into a Future of Climate Breakdown


The recent Lok Sabha elections in India, held amid record-breaking heatwaves, highlighted the growing impact of climate change on daily life and governance, yet the issue remained largely unaddressed by political parties.

1: Dimension- Electoral Impact of Climate Change

  • Voter turnout: Rising temperatures in 43 of 93 constituencies during Phase 3 corresponded with lower voter participation compared to 2019.
  • Health hazards: 18 polling staff died in Uttar Pradesh and Bihar on the final voting day due to extreme heat.
  • Future implications: Prolonged heatwaves may necessitate rethinking the timing and structure of future elections.

2: Dimension- Global Climate Crisis Acceleration

  • Persistent heating: The past 12 months have seen average global temperatures exceed the 1.5°C threshold above pre-industrial levels.
  • Marine impacts: Massive marine heatwaves are causing widespread coral bleaching and stronger storms.
  • Himalayan changes: Significantly less snowfall in winter, with 2024 labeled an "extraordinary below normal snow year" by ICIMOD.

3: Dimension- Urgent Need for Action

  • Emissions reduction: Despite warnings, global CO2 emissions from fossil fuels continue to rise instead of decreasing.
  • Critical timeframe: Decisions made in the next 24 months will be crucial to avoid climate breakdown.
  • Adaptation strategies: Need for increased focus on heat shelters, green areas, and community-level climate resilience measures.
India’s Measures to combat climate change
  • Solar Alliance (ISA): Launched in 2015, ISA is a collaboration between solar energy-rich countries to promote solar energy use and reduce reliance on fossil fuels.
  • One Sun, One World, One Grid (OSOWOG) Project: Proposed by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, OSOWOG aims to create a global solar power grid to provide energy to 140 countries.
  • Swachh Bharat Mission: Launched by Prime Minister Modi, this initiative aims to achieve cleanliness and sanitation in Indian towns and villages, including building over 100 million toilets.
  • COP26 Glasgow Summit Commitments: India is committed to-
    • achieving net zero emissions by 2070
    • meeting 50% of energy needs from renewables by 2030
    • reducing carbon emissions by one billion tonnes by 2030
    • reaching 500 GW of non-fossil energy capacity by 2030
    • reducing carbon intensity by 45% by 2030
India's Role in International Climate Diplomacy:
  • India provides leadership to other emerging markets and developing economies, demonstrated through initiatives like the International Solar Alliance, One Sun One World One Grid, and the Coalition for Disaster Resilient Infrastructure (CDRI).
  • India's approach to achieving global net zero emissions is guided by the principle of Common but Differentiated Responsibilities, advocating for developed countries and international financial institutions to finance the clean transition of the developing world.
  • As part of the Like-Minded Developing Countries (LMDC), India advocates for greater control over how finance is used for adaptation and mitigation, aiming to prevent future loss and damage.
  • LIFE, or Lifestyle for Environment aims to frame climate change as a ‘larger than life’ challenge, LIFE recognizes that small individual actions can tip the balance in the planet’s favor.
Mains Practice Question

Q. "The recent heatwaves and their impact on the Indian general elections provide a glimpse into the future challenges posed by climate change." Discuss the implications of this statement for governance and policy-making in India.

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