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27th August 2024 (13 Topics)

Chandrayaan-3's Pragyan rover


Chandrayaan-3's Pragyan rover has made a remarkable contribution to lunar science, providing information about the identification of ferroan anorthosite and the insights into the Moon's early magma ocean are significant milestones in space exploration.

Key Achievements:

  • Mission Duration and Rover Operations: The Pragyan rover, after landing, operated for approximately 14 days on the lunar surface before it ceased functioning due to subzero temperatures. Despite its relatively short operational window, Pragyan met all its scientific objectives, delivering significant data on lunar soil and surface composition.
  • Scientific Findings: The mission's standout discovery is the identification of ferroan anorthosite in the lunar soil. This rock type is critical for understanding the Moon's early history and supports the theory of a primordial magma ocean. This discovery confirms findings from earlier missions but provides new data from the Moon’s south pole region, an area previously less explored.
  • Ferroan Anorthosite: Ferroan anorthosite is a type of rock that forms from the crystallization of molten magma. Its presence on the Moon is significant because it is believed to be remnants of a vast magma ocean that covered the lunar surface billions of years ago. This supports the theory that the Moon’s surface was once molten and has since solidified, with subsequent meteorite impacts contributing to its current state.
    • Similar rocks were found by the Apollo and Luna missions at the lunar equator, but the new data from Chandrayaan-3 adds valuable information from the southern hemisphere. This broadens our understanding of the Moon’s geological diversity.

Pragyan’s Instruments:

  • Pragyan was equipped with instruments like the Alpha Particle X-ray Spectrometer (APXS) and the Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS).
  • These tools were essential in analyzing the chemical composition of lunar soil and rocks.
  • The APXS, for instance, utilized X-rays and alpha particles to examine dust and identify the presence of ferroan anorthosite and other mineral components.

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