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16th May 2024 (14 Topics)

16th May 2024

QUIZ - 16h May 2024

5 Questions

5 Minutes


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Following his reelection as Russia's President, Vladimir Putin replaced his long-time Minister of Defence, Sergei Shoigu, with civilian economist Andrei Belousov, indicating a shift towards addressing economic challenges amidst the ongoing war in Ukraine and Western sanctions.

Changes in Defence Leadership:

  • Strategic Decision: Putin's decision to remove Shoigu reflects concerns over the conduct and management of the war in Ukraine, which Russia initially anticipated to be swift but has now become protracted.
  • Appointment of Technocrat: Belousov's appointment suggests a prioritization of economic stabilization and sustaining military objectives amidst sanctions, marking a departure from Shoigu's military-centric leadership.
  • Shake-up in Response to Setbacks: Criticisms of Shoigu's handling of the war, coupled with setbacks and internal challenges, prompted Putin to reevaluate the Defence Ministry's leadership to ensure swift military progress.

Challenges and Strategic Shifts:

  • Battlefield Dynamics: Russia's recent offensive in northeastern Ukraine signals ongoing military operations aimed at capturing strategic territories, despite anticipated U.S. military aid to Ukraine.
  • Economic Fallout: The war has strained Russia's relations with the West, leading to economic isolation and deeper ties with China, exacerbating domestic repression and posing challenges in shielding citizens from sanctions.
  • Long-term Implications: Even with potential military gains in Ukraine, Putin faces a Russia grappling with internal repression, economic weakness, and heightened hostility from Western nations, raising questions about the sustainability of his regime's strategies.

UPSC Mains Question:

Evaluate the strategic shifts in Russia's approach to the conflict and analyze the potential long-term consequences for Russia's geopolitical positioning.


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Recent reports suggest discussions within the Indian armed forces about restructuring into integrated theatre commands, with proposed appointments of a Vice Chief of Defence Staff (VCDS) and a Deputy Chief of Defence Staff (Dy CDS), highlighting the evolving nature of India's higher defence management.

Challenges and Trajectory of the CDS Post:

  • Origins and Expectations: The creation of the Chief of Defence Staff (CDS) post under Prime Minister Narendra Modi was intended to address the lack of jointness among the armed forces, providing a central authority for strategic coordination.
  • Tragic Setbacks: General Bipin Rawat, the first CDS, tragically passed away in 2021, disrupting policies and leaving initiatives incomplete. The subsequent appointment of Lt Gen Anil Chauhan (retd) was met with scrutiny due to the unprecedented decision to recall a retired officer for the role.

Proposed Structural Changes and Future Outlook:

  • Enhancing Jointness: The envisaged creation of new posts, such as Vice CDS, aims to bolster jointness and combat capability across the military branches, with a focus on improving operational effectiveness.
  • Challenges and Caution: The proposed restructuring entails significant changes in rank hierarchy and command responsibilities, prompting caution from Defence Minister Rajnath Singh regarding the time-consuming nature of such reforms and the importance of consensus-building.
  • Role Refinement: Suggestions have been made to streamline the CDS's responsibilities, potentially delegating bureaucratic duties to the VCDS to allow the CDS to focus on strategic and operational roles. Additionally, decisions regarding the location of key commands, such as the Maritime Theatre Command, warrant careful consideration to optimize operational efficiency. 

Mains Question:

Assess the challenges and implications of restructuring the Indian military into integrated theatre commands, highlighting the need for strategic consensus-building and role refinement to enhance jointness and combat effectiveness.


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Recent analysis highlights the nuanced challenges facing the Indian economy despite its growth trajectory, emphasizing the need for strategic focus areas for the upcoming government to address.

Reviving Economic Growth:

  • Private Investment: While government-led infrastructure investment has propelled growth in certain sectors, private investment remains subdued, necessitating measures such as expanding the Production Linked Incentive (PLI) scheme and providing incentives for small and medium enterprises (SMEs).
  • Household Consumption: Volatility in household consumption, exacerbated by surplus capacity and high inflation, underscores the need for fiscal measures to increase disposable income, including revisiting tax rates and promoting savings.
  • Employment Generation: Enhancing consumption will stimulate investment and job creation, emphasizing the interconnectedness of economic factors and the role of the private sector in employment growth.

Agri-Economic Reforms:

  • Farm Laws and Agricultural Policy: Revisiting and debating contentious farm laws, exploring government participation in farming through cooperatives, and clarifying agricultural trade policies are essential for fostering stability and efficiency in the agricultural sector.
  • Global Integration: Pursuing free trade agreements and bolstering merchandise exports are vital for integrating India into global supply chains, complementing the growth trajectory of the services sector.
  • Fiscal Responsibility and Reform: While achieving fiscal deficit targets is important, the government must balance fiscal discipline with growth imperatives, aiming to gradually reduce the deficit to 3% of GDP while navigating economic uncertainties and priorities.

Mains Question:

Discuss the multifaceted challenges facing the Indian economy and outline strategic focus areas for the upcoming government to stimulate growth and address structural constraints. Evaluate the role of fiscal policy, agricultural reforms, and global integration in fostering economic resilience and sustainability.


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