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20th July 2022 (7 Topics)

20th July 2022

Mains Question:

Q1. How can gene editing enhance global food security and reduce reliance on chemical fertilisers and pesticides? (150 words)


  • Introduction- increasing food insecurity in the world
  • Brief define Gene editing in food crops (e.g.-CRISPR–Cas9 )
  • Significance of the method
    • crops resistant to disease, drought and insects
    • allowing farmers to reduce pesticide use
    • conservation of water
    • Environmental benefits
  • Gene editing in India and State of Policy around the world
  • Challenges 
    • Unintended consequences
    • undesirable knock-on effects
    • Ethical considerations
  • Suggest a way forward 



Chile has constituted a new Constituent Assembly to frame a new constitution.

How the Constituent assembly is inclusive in nature?

  • 51% women representation: The constituent assembly constituted to frame the new constitution for Chile, comprises of 51% women representatives, step to bridge the gender gap.
  • 17 reserved seats for Indigenous seat: Chile’s new Constituent Assembly has also reserved 17 seats for the indigenous people, securing their voice and rights.
  • Other inclusion: The constituent assembly has also included people from across the socio-economic and geographical spectrum of Chile, sexual minorities etc.

What are some striking features of the draft constitution?

  • Catalogue of rights: New draft constitution provides a catalogue of basic socio-economic rights, e.g., Right to education; Workers’ right; Gender Identity rights; DE commodification of water.
  • Autonomous institutions: Various independent institutions have been introduced by the new draft to maintain the idea of democracy and rule of law.
  • Guarantee of citizen initiatives: Guarantee has been provided to the citizen initiatives including Indigenous initiatives for introducing and changing laws in Parliament.
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