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2-Day Bootcamp on Essay Writing
28th December 2023 (9 Topics)

28th December 2023

QUIZ - 28th December 2023

5 Questions

5 Minutes



After the pre-term conclusion of the winter session of the Parliament, the government should not use its majority to rush through legislation.

New Low in Parliamentary Democracy

  • Refusal to Engage with Opposition: The 18-day winter session has ended with the avoiding dialogue, leading to a new low in democracy.
  • Unilateral Passage of Legislation: During the session, the government passed significant Bills, impacting the country's legal framework, telecommunications regulation, and Election Commission appointments.
  • Suspension of Opposition Members: The absence of applied thought in suspending even a non-present MP highlighted the session's chaotic nature. The rift persists, as the Opposition seeks accountability for a security breach.

Unprecedented Executive Power Surge

  • Passage of Impactful Laws: The absence of a substantial Opposition presence allowed the government to pass laws altering the criminal code, telecommunications regulation, and Election Commission appointments.
  • Refusal of Opposition's Demands: The government's refusal to address the security breach and its obstinate stance showcased a belief in numerical majority as a shield against accountability.
  • Lack of Parliamentary Debate: The government's success in passing laws without comprehensive parliamentary debate highlighted a disregard for conflicting views. The alleged mimicry incident served as a convenient distraction from the core issues at hand, further derailing parliamentary functioning.

Derailing Parliamentary Functioning

  • Blame Game and Distractions: Both the government and parliamentary chairs blamed the Opposition for the session's disruptions, emphasizing the mimicry incident as a distraction.
  • Impact on Parliamentary Conduct: The focus on non-substantive matters overshadowed the need for substantive debates and discussions.
  • Questionable Opposition Strategy: The Opposition's emphasis on a security breach by misguided youths, while potentially valid, raised questions about the strategy's proportionality and its impact on parliamentary proceedings.
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The recent counterinsurgency in Jammu and Kashmir must not target civilians indiscriminately and it leads to violation of fundamental Rights of residents.

Challenges in Jammu and Kashmir's Counter-Insurgency

  • Civilian Casualties in Counter-Insurgency: In the Pir Panjal Valley, clashes between security forces and militants resulted in civilian casualties.
  • Effects: The death of civilians and allegations of torture by security forces following an ambush on an Army convoy raised concerns.
  • Impact on Unpopularity of the Regime: Security forces' actions targeting civilians in response to militant attacks risk increasing dissatisfaction.

Dilemma with local Governance

  • Recent actions: In a region without recent democratic elections, such incidents further undermine the regime's popularity, impacting counter-insurgency efforts negatively.
  • Militant Strategy and Legitimacy of Force: Militants aim to provoke security forces into rights violations against civilians to gain support.
  • Neglecting state actions: Indiscriminate violence erodes the legitimacy of state actions, fostering discontent. Recent events indicate a flawed security-centric approach in J&K.

Concerns on Rights Violations and Public Outrage

  • Provoking Militancy through Rights Violations: Militants exploit security forces' rights violations to fuel grievances and increase support. Incidents like the alleged torture of civilians play into militants' hands, escalating tensions in the region.
  • State's Responsibility and Accountability: J&K police filed a murder case, and the Army removed officers pending an inquiry.
  • Effectiveness of Security-Centric Approach: The Union government's security-centric approach in J&K faces criticism due to recurring rights violations.
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Centralized promises neglect core issues. Water management reflects lack of regional expertise, citizen science, and education.

Limited Focus

  • Ignored Issues: Recent state elections focused on populist promises, neglecting critical issues like water, education, and healthcare.
  • Neglect vs. problems: Politicians prioritize easily deliverable promises, undermining attention to complex developmental challenges.
  • Core problems: The narrow electoral discourse hampers addressing pressing issues essential for sustainable and holistic development.

Centralized Approach in Water Management

  • The Jal Jeevan Mission (JJM) exemplifies a top-down, centralized approach to drinking water supply.
  • Local dynamics: It requires regional expertise, but the Delhi-driven one-size-fits-all blueprint impedes effective implementation.
  • Lack of customization in governance strategies hinders the success of water management initiatives at the grassroots level.

Lack of Citizen Science and Intellectual Capacity

  • Deficiency in citizen science and intellectual capacity hampers communities from articulating their development needs effectively.
  • Educational shortcomings and a dearth of regional knowledge exacerbate governance challenges, hindering sustainable development.
  • Way forward: The absence of a scientifically informed citizenry impedes effective grassroots studies, impacting other critical areas.
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