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28th March 2024 (11 Topics)

28th March 2024

QUIZ - 28th March 2024

5 Questions

5 Minutes



Amidst escalating tensions between China and Taiwan, India finds itself strategically positioned with strong interests but is unlikely to engage militarily in any conflict over Taiwan.

Maintain the Status Quo

  • Economic and Strategic Interests: India has a vested interest in maintaining the current status quo regarding Taiwan, given the significant economic ties between the two nations. The burgeoning trade relations and potential collaborations in sectors like semiconductor manufacturing underscore the importance of stability across the Taiwan Strait for India's economic growth and strategic security.
  • Potential Costs of Conflict: Any Chinese aggression against Taiwan would have dire consequences for India's economy and regional stability. The disruption of global trade routes and industrial supply chains, coupled with the possibility of a broader conflict involving major powers like the U.S., would severely impact India's economic and security interests.
  • Regional Ramifications: A conflict over Taiwan could escalate tensions in the broader Indo-Pacific region, potentially affecting India-China relations and regional security dynamics. The risk of nuclear escalation and the reshaping of the regional security architecture highlight the imperative for India to prioritize stability and growth over involvement in a conflict over Taiwan.

Preventing Calamity

  • Deterrence and Diplomacy: India can play a crucial role in preventing a conflict over Taiwan by bolstering deterrence measures and engaging in diplomatic efforts to dissuade China from resorting to military aggression. Utilizing international law arguments, building anti-aggression narratives, and coordinating diplomatic messaging can help dissuade Beijing from escalating tensions.
  • Economic De-risking and Information Operations: Implementing economic de-risking measures and actively supporting the Taiwanese people through information operations can further contribute to deterring Chinese aggression. Additionally, providing military support to U.S. forces in the Indian Ocean can enhance deterrence capabilities and signal India's commitment to regional stability.
  • Advancing Strategic Interests: These policy options not only serve to prevent conflict over Taiwan but also align with India's broader strategic interests. Strengthening cooperation with the U.S., enhancing India's strategic leverage, and asserting international leadership among Global South countries would contribute to India's national rise and regional stability.
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The issue revolves around the politics of humanitarian aid, particularly concerning Gaza, Taiwan, and other conflict zones. Recent events highlight the intersection of geopolitical interests and humanitarian concerns, impacting the lives of vulnerable populations.

Gaza Humanitarian Crisis:

  • Politicization of humanitarian aid:United States' decision to halt funding to UNRWA amid acute food insecurity in Gaza raises questions about the politicization of humanitarian aid.
  • Complexities:The announcement of building a temporary pier by the U.S. for humanitarian aid delivery to Gaza underscores the complexities of aid distribution amidst geopolitical tensions.
  • Suffering:The situation in Gaza exemplifies how political decisions can impede humanitarian efforts, exacerbating suffering and violating international law.

Global Patterns of Humanitarian Aid:

  • Strategic objectives:Instances from India's aid provision to Sri Lanka and Afghanistan illustrate how humanitarian assistance can be leveraged for political messaging and strategic objectives.
  • Manipulation for gains:The politicization of aid delivery in conflict zones, such as Syria, Yemen, and Ethiopia, underscores the manipulation of humanitarian efforts for geopolitical gains.
  • International community's failure to prioritize humanitarian needs over political interests perpetuates suffering and undermines the principles of humanitarianism.
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The failure to adopt the agreement on investment facilitation for development (IFD) at the 13th Ministerial Conference (MC13) of the World Trade Organization (WTO) has raised concerns regarding the inclusion of investment within the WTO framework and the negotiation process followed for the IFD agreement.

Concerns over IFD Agreement:

  • Concern:The IFD agreement, aimed at facilitating investment flows, was opposed by countries like India due to concerns regarding its inclusion within the WTO framework and the negotiation process.
  • Issues in agreement: The IFD agreement lacks provisions on market access, investment protection, and investor-state dispute settlement (ISDS), which have been contentious issues, especially given the WTO's dispute settlement mechanism.
  • India's Objections:While India acknowledges the need to update WTO rules, it questions the legality of launching negotiations on the IFD agreement without multilateral consensus and emphasizes the importance of adherence to existing mandates.

Reconsidering Approach to Plurilateral Agreements:

  • Plurilateral agreements (PAs) like the IFD agreement can play a vital role in revitalizing the WTO's legislative function amidst challenges in arriving at consensus for multilateral agreements.
  • Defensive stance: India, as a major economy and upcoming global player, may need to reconsider its defensive stance towards PAs and recognize their potential for updating and modernizing WTO rules.
  • Deadlock in WTO decision-making highlights the importance of exploring alternative mechanisms like PAs to address contemporary trade issues and adapt to the evolving nature of international trade.
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