What's New :
4th June 2024 (11 Topics)

External Commercial Borrowings (ECBs)


Shriram Finance Ltd. (private non-banking financial company (NBFC)), has recently announced the raising of funds totaling $425 million and EUR 40 million through a syndicated term loan transaction

The three-year external commercial borrowing facility was structured as a social loan.

About External Commercial Borrowings (ECBs)

  • ECBs are commercial loans obtained by eligible resident entities from recognized non-resident entities. These loans serve as a source of funding for various business activities.
  • Parameters: ECBs must adhere to specific parameters, including minimum maturity periods, permitted and non-permitted end uses, maximum all-in-cost ceiling, and other regulatory requirements.
  • Routes for ECBs: ECBs can be raised through either the automatic route or the approval route, depending on certain criteria.
  • Approval Route: Under the approval route, prospective borrowers submit their requests to the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) through an Authorized Dealer (AD) category-I Bank.

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