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5th October 2023 (9 Topics)

Green Shipping in India


Recently, at the 13th edition of the South Asia's largest maritime exhibition and conference, Director General of Shipping mentioned that promoting eco-friendly practices and incentives for low-emission ships is important for positioning India's maritime sector and environmentally responsible future.

What is Green Shipping?

  • Green shipping is when people or goods are transported through ships using minimum resources and energy as possible, to protect the environment from the pollutants generated by the ships.
  • Green shipping promotes cleaner practices to enforce emission control, efficient port management, and equipment management.
  • It requires a huge effort from every element of the industry such as the regulators, port authorities and communities to carry this forward.

Why there is a need for Green Shipping?

  • Green shipping is required as marine diesel results in increased sulphur dioxide emissions.
  • In addition, there is CO2 and other emissions from shipping due to waste, oil, waste water, chlorofluorocarbons and nitrogen oxides.
  • Shipping accounts for around three percent of all man-made CO2 emissions, 15 percent for nitrogen oxide and 13 percent for sulphur dioxide.
  • The maritime sector emits 940 million tonnes of CO2 and contributes 5% of all greenhouse gas emissions, according to the European Commission.

Green Shipping as a rule: (Global scenario)

  • The International Maritime Organization (IMO) has set clear standards, particularly with regard to sulphur content. Since 2020, the sulphur content may only be half a percent.
  • In the North Sea and Baltic Sea, only 0.1 percent is permitted anyway.
  • The next step would be to integrate shipping into the international trade of CO2 certificates.
  • Maritime trade was also excluded under the Paris Climate Protection Agreement of 2015, but could be included in future agreements.

Green shipping in India

  • India has been selected as the first country under IMO Green Voyage 2050 project to conduct a pilot project related to Green Shipping.
  • For this, the Ministry of Ports, Shipping, and Waterways has launched the Green Tug Transition Programme (GTTP) and inaugurated India’s first Centre of Excellence in Green Port & Shipping (NCoEGPS).
  • The program will start with ‘Green Hybrid Tugs’, which will be powered by Green Hybrid Propulsion systems, and subsequently adopt non-fossil fuel solutions like (Methanol, Ammonia, and Hydrogen).
  • It is to foster carbon neutrality and a circular economy in the shipping sector in India.
  • India intends to increase the share of renewable energy to 60% of the total power demand of the major ports (presently less than 10%). This will be through solar and wind-generated power.
  • The ports have also aimed to reduce Carbon emissions per ton of cargo handled by 30% by 2030.
  • Paradip Port, Deendayal Port, and V.O. Chidambaram Port are to be developed as Hydrogen Hubs – capable of handling, storing, and generating green hydrogen by 2030.
  • The National Action Plan for Green Shipping in India promotes eco-friendly practices and incentives for low emission ships, positioning India's maritime sector for a prosperous and environmentally responsible future.

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