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4th March 2025 (14 Topics)

Indian cities need a plan

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India’s urban centres are facing severe challenges, including pollution, poor infrastructure, climate vulnerability, and weak governance. The Urban Challenge Fund (2025-26) aims to incentivize reforms, drawing inspiration from Singapore’s urbanisation model.

Key Challenges in Indian Cities

  • Severe Pollution Crisis: India has 42 of the 50 most polluted cities, with air, water, and waste mismanagement costing $95 billion annually in lost productivity.
  • Overburdened Infrastructure: By 2036, over 600 million people will live in cities, yet roads, public transport, and sanitation services are failing.
  • Climate Vulnerability: Flooding, water scarcity, and heatwaves are worsening, increasing health risks and economic losses.

Governance and Planning Deficits

  • Census Towns Issue: India’s 3,894 census towns lack urban governance, leading to unplanned growth and poor service delivery.
  • Weak Institutional Framework: Cities struggle with corruption, poor coordination, and lack of municipal autonomy, affecting governance efficiency.
  • Inadequate Financing: Limited urban development funds and poor revenue generation hinder infrastructure investment.

Potential Solutions and Global Best Practices

  • Singapore Model: Integrated land-use planning, affordable housing, and smart urban policies offer lessons for India.
  • Sustainable Infrastructure: Investment in mass transit, green spaces, modern drainage, and waste management can enhance livability.
  • Urban Governance Reforms: Recognizing census towns, decentralizing power, and ensuring sustainable financing can improve city resilience.
Practice Question

Q. Indian cities are facing mounting challenges of pollution, overcrowding, and weak governance. Critically analyze the major urban issues and suggest solutions based on global best practices.


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