Fact Box:
Panna Tiger Reserve (PTR)
- Panna National Park was created in 1981. It was declared a Project Tiger Reserve by Government of India in 1994.
- Panna Tiger Reserve (PTR) is located in the Vindhyan ranges that extend from south west to north east in the civil districts of Panna, Chattarpur and Damoh.
- The Ken river enters the reserve from the southern end and passes through it for almost 55 km.
- Nestled in northern most areas of Vindhyan range of Central India this is the only Tiger Reserve in the entire Bundhelkhand region.
Ken River
- The Ken is an interstate river between Uttar Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh.
- The Ken river, which flows through the Panna Tiger Reserve (PTR) from south to north, is home for Gharial and Mugger, and other aquatic fauna.
- It is one of the sixteen perennial rivers of Madhya Pradesh and is truly the life line of the Reserve.
- It is bounded by Vindhyan range in the south, Betwa basin on west, free catchment of Yamuna below Ken on east, the river Yamuna on north.
- Important tributaries of Ken: Alona, Bearma, Sonar, Mirhasan, Shyamari, Banne, Kutri, Urmil, Kail and Chandrawal.

Betwa river
- The Betwa river originates in the Raisen district of Madhya Pradesh near Barkhera village south-west of Bhopal at an elevation of about 576 metres above mean sea level.
- It is an interstate river between the two states viz. Madhya Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh.
- It flows in a northeasterly direction through Madhya Pradesh and enters into Uttar Pradesh near village Bangawan of Jhansi district.
- The total length of the river from its origin to confluence with the Yamuna is 590 km, out of which 232 km lies in Madhya Pradesh and the balance 358 km in Uttar Pradesh.
- Sub-tributaries: Bina, Jamini, Dhasan and Birma on the right bank and Kaliasote, Halali, Bah, Saga, Narain and Kaithan on the left bank.