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All India PT Mock Test 2025 (OMR Based)
22nd February 2025 (11 Topics)

Olive Ridley Turtles (Lepidochelys olivacea)


Around 3 lakh Olive Ridley turtles have arrived on Odisha's coastline for their annual mass nesting event known as "arribada." This incredible natural occurrence sees the turtles traveling over 9,000 kilometers from the Pacific Ocean to lay their eggs on Odisha’s pristine beaches.

About the Species

  • They are the smallest and most abundant of all sea turtles found in the world.
  • It gets its name from the olive green colouration of its carapace (shell).
  • They are best known for their unique mass nesting, called Arribada, where thousands of females come together on the same beach to lay eggs.
  • Major nesting sites in India:Rushikulya rookery coast (Odisha), Gahirmatha beach (Bhitarkanika National Park), and mouth of the Debi River.
  • Features:
    • An adult typically measures between 62 and 70 cm in length and weighs about 35-45 kg.
    • They have one to two visible claws on each of their paddle-like flippers.
    • They are omnivorous, meaning they feed on both plants and animals.
    • They are solitary, preferring the open ocean.
    • These turtles spend their entire lives in the ocean, and migrate thousands of kilometers between feeding and mating grounds in a year.
  • Conservation Status:
    • IUCN Red List: Vulnerable
    • Wildlife Protection Act, 1972: Schedule 1
    • CITES: Appendix I

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