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12th December 2023 (8 Topics)

Parliament and its discontents


The House needs to have a robust procedure to determine lawmakers’ misconduct, violations of ethical norms.

LokSabha's Expulsion of MahuaMoitra

  • Reason of Explusion: LokSabha expels MahuaMoitra based on alleged misconduct without allowing her a defense speech.
  • Claims against the act: Moitra claims a lack of proof, calls it a witch hunt; opposition MPs walk out during the decision.
  • Critique: The controversial process emphasizes the need for fair and transparent procedures in Parliament.

International Models for Ethical Oversight

  • Advocating Fairness: US and UK employ independent offices for ethical oversight, investigating complaints and scrutinizing MPs' conduct.
  • Official Intervention: High standards for removing a member in the US; UK maintains a public Register of Interests and an independent commissioner.
  • Unilateral Expulsion: India's RajyaSabha has a defined code of conduct, while LokSabha lacks similar provisions for ethical oversight.

Robust Ethical Oversight

  • Ethical Challenges: India's Provisional Parliament faced ethical challenges in 1951, urging the need for a code of conduct.
  • Human interface and impacts: The importance of a robust procedure for determining MPs' misconduct, protecting legislative integrity.
  • The Role of Fair Processes: A fair process ensures parliamentary dignity, upholding ethical norms, and addressing public apprehensions about legislative decisions.
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