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31st August 2023 (9 Topics)

Pew survey proves India is managing its rise far better than China


As per the new study by Pew Research Center, India’s rising geopolitical and geo-economic clout is clearly visible in the data which shows lacks and developments of India, as a global Power.

The Pew Survey:

  • About: Pew Research Center is a non-partisan fact tank that informs the public about the issues, attitudes and trends shaping the world.
  • Procedure: It conducts public opinion polling, demographic research, content analysis and other data-driven social science research.
  • Aim: It generates a foundation of facts that enriches the public dialogue and supports sound decision-making.

Highlights of the survey:

  • Observations: The Pew survey (Feb-May 2023) for 30,861 adults in 24 countries, including India, reveals positive global perception of India.
  • Data revealed: 46% respondents hold favorable view, 34% unfavorable. Modi maintains high popularity; 80% Indians approve 55% very favorable.
  • Political instance in the country: Survey suggests PM’s strong favorability (79%) positions him as front-runner for third term in 2024 elections.

Global Views on India's Rise: Pew Survey Insights

  • Divergent Perceptions: Pew survey shows mixed international opinion on India's growing influence.
  • Europe's Apprehensions: Europe's favorability towards India dips, linked to Ukraine stance. India's strategic autonomy and rise evoke discomfort.
  • Successful Ascent: India navigates power aspirations adeptly, fostering global partnerships; outperforms China in garnering positive perceptions.
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