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India to Chair Kimberley Process

Published: 6th Dec, 2018

  • The Kimberley Process Certification Scheme (KPCS) Plenary 2018, was held in Brussels, Belgium.
  • EU handed over the Chairmanship of KPCS to India from 1stJanuary, 2019.
  • India was the Vice-Chair during the period of 2017-2018.
  • Botswana and the Russian Federation will serve as Vice-Chair during the period of 2019-2020.


  • The Kimberley Process Certification Scheme (KPCS) Plenary 2018, was held in Brussels, Belgium.
  • EU handed over the Chairmanship of KPCS to India from 1stJanuary, 2019.
  • India was the Vice-Chair during the period of 2017-2018.
  • Botswana and the Russian Federation will serve as Vice-Chair during the period of 2019-2020.


Kimberley Process (KP):

  • It is a binding agreement that imposes extensive requirements on every participant to remove conflict diamonds from the global supply chain.
  • The KP is underpinned by the United Nations mandate.
  • Since August 2013, the KP has 54 participants, representing 81 countries.
  • Today, participants actively prevent 99.8% of the worldwide trade of conflict diamonds.
  • The visible evidence of this commitment is the Kimberley Process Certification Scheme (KPCS) that both safeguard the shipment of ‘rough diamonds’ and certifies them as conflict free.

Conflict diamonds:

  • The KP defines conflict diamonds as ‘rough diamonds used to finance wars against governments’ - around the world.


  • Since its launch in 2003, the Kimberley Process has contributed towards peace, security, prosperity and has made valuable developmental impact in improving the lives of most people dependent on the trade in diamonds.
  • It has been an effective multilateral tool for conflict prevention in stemming the flow of conflict diamonds.

India’s contribution so far:

  • India is the founding member of KPCS and is actively involved in KP activities to ensure that almost 99% of the diamond trade in the world is conflict free.
  • India is at the forefront in addressing the issue of differentiation between Natural Diamonds and Lab Grown Diamonds and ensures responsible business in this area.
  • India chaired the Ad hoc Committee on Review and Reform (AHCRR).

Under the terms of the KPCS participants must:

  • Satisfy ‘minimum requirements’ and establish national legislation, institutions and import/export controls
  • Commit to transparent practices and to the exchange of critical statistical data.
  • Trade only with fellow members who also satisfy the fundamentals of the agreement.
  • Certify shipments as conflict-free and provide the supporting certification.


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