NASA shares picture of Martian sunrise clicked by InSight rover
Published: 23rd Apr, 2022
NASA has recently shared an interesting image of a Martian sunrise captured on the planet by the space agency’s InSight rover.
About InSight rover:
InSight (Interior Exploration using Seismic Investigations, Geodesy and Heat Transport), is a Mars lander which is the first robotic explorer to study the crust, mantle and core of Mars.
The InSight rover has two primary science objectives:
to understand the formation and evolution of the terrestrial planet by investigating the interior structure and processes of Mars and
to determine the present level of tectonic activity and meteorite impact rate on the planet
Apart from helping learn how Mars was formed, understanding its patterns will also help prepare for human exploration of the planet.
It uses its instruments to dig deep beneath the surface of the red planet and seek the ‘fingerprints’ of the process that formed the planet.
To do this, it measures the planet’s “vital signs”: seismology, heat flow and precision tracking.