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Published: 10th Jan, 2019

  • Pro-Active and Responsive facilitation by Interactive, Virtuous and Environmental Single-window Hub (Parivesh) was launched by Prime Minister in August last year on World Biofuel Day, as single-window integrated environmental management system, developed under the ‘Digital India’ initiative.
  • It is an ambitious web-based single-window system ‘Parivesh’ will be rolled-out at state levels bringing an end to the clearance obstacles for entrepreneurs.


  • Pro-Active and Responsive facilitation by Interactive, Virtuous and Environmental Single-window Hub (Parivesh) was launched by Prime Minister in August last year on World Biofuel Day, as single-window integrated environmental management system, developed under the ‘Digital India’ initiative.
  • It is an ambitious web-based single-window system ‘Parivesh’ will be rolled-out at state levels bringing an end to the clearance obstacles for entrepreneurs.


What is Parivesh?

  • PARIVESH is a web based, role based workflow application which has been developed for online submission and monitoring of the proposals submitted by the proponents for seeking Environment, Forest, Wildlife and CRZ Clearances from Central, State and district level authorities.
  • It has been designed, developed and hosted by the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, with technical support from National Informatics Centre, (NIC).
  • It automates the entire tracking of proposals which includes online submission of a new proposal, editing/updating the details of proposals and displays status of the proposals at each stage of the workflow.
  • The automated system for submission, clearance and monitoring for environmental clearance has already been implemented at the Central level, while various States starting from Gujarat will begin to implement the scheme by January 15.


  • E-Governance and enhancing Ease of Doing Responsible Business is being translated into action.
  • It offers a framework to generate economic growth and strengthens Sustainable Development through E-Governance
  •  It helps in improving the overall performance and efficiency of the whole appraisal process of environmental clearances.

    National Informatics Centre

    • It was established in 1976, and has emerged as a “prime builder” of e-Government / e-Governance applications up to the grassroots level as well as a promoter of digital opportunities for sustainable development.
    • Through its ICT Network, “NICNET”, has institutional linkages with all the Ministries /Departments of the Central Government, 36 State Governments/ Union Territories, and about 708 District Administrations of India.

    Major activities are:

    • Setting up of ICT Infrastructure
    • Implementation of National and State Level e-Governance Projects/Products
    • Consultancy to the Government departments
    • Research & Development
    • Capacity Building

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