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Registration of Births and Deaths (Amendment) Bill, 2023

Published: 10th Aug, 2023


Parliament passed the Registration of Births and Deaths (Amendment) Bill, 2023.


Key-highlights of the Bill

  • The Bill seeks to amend the Registration of Births and Deaths Act, of 1969 which provides for the regulation and registration of births and deaths.
  • Registrar General: The Act provides for the appointment of a Registrar-General, India who may issue directions for registration of births and deaths. 
    • The Registrar General will maintain a national database of registered births and deaths.
  • Applicability: The Bill allows the use of a birth certificate as a single document for
    • admission to an educational institution
    • issuance of a driving licence, preparation of voter list, Aadhaar number
    • registration of marriage
    • appointment to a government job
  • The Birth and Death certificates can be received within seven days.

Significance of the legislation:

  • National and state-level database: The legislation will help create a national and state-level database of registered births and deaths.
  • Transparency: It will eventually would ensure efficient and transparent delivery of public services and social benefits and digital registration.
  • Better schemes and their delivery: The data received will help in making social schemes for the benefit of the people.

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